We create connections between producers and end users, where respect for man and nature is taken into account and represents an essential duty, that's why we only choose leading companies in the sector.
Our social responsibility is expressed and conceived through these small concepts:
The environmental impact of the material we distribute must be equal to 0 or 0, otherwise we do not take any product into consideration..
We visit the manufacturing companies before establishing a working relationship with them, checking if they comply with all production regulations, especially those related to the environment.
The protection of natural resources, which is based on the limitation of raw waste, thermal energy consumption, electricity consumption and water used.
The environment and health. Done by offering our customers products free of carcinogenic substances, made in low-emission plants and safe for workers and surrounding communities.
Last concept and the most important, WE do not buy if the request does not arrive
YOU do not order! For us it is useless to buy and put in stock, leaving unsold goods that expire in our stocks, then leads us to dispose of the goods, leading to the highest consumption of environmental pollution, due to a production and disposal of goods. WE buy and then we produce only if YOU need it.